Saturday, May 22, 2010

Plz help Write a program to calculate (20 number) ! ( factorial) with c?

hi im learning C ( with turbo C++ 4.5 )

our teacher ask us if any one can bring a simple source code of

factorial of 20 digit number i mean ( its over a belion number i think )

he asked us only C code not php or VB or anything else

so if any one can write such a program please help me with it

and i dont need any guide i need the program :D of course i need the headers to becuse i`m new to c and i want to learn the code

( headers like %26lt;stdio.h%26gt; and ...%26gt;

i also found a code in the internet but its a calculator and it has geraphic on it if any one want to watch it go to

i didnt understand it

ok guys im realy depending on u please help me with this

Plz help Write a program to calculate (20 number) ! ( factorial) with c?
hmm a 20 digit number would be X * x-1 * x-2... x-19

I guess the big question is, does it ONLY do 20 digit numbers? heheh. been a while since i did c, i'm a c# dev... but here goes. Not even sure if a 'long' would hold your result or not...

this won't work if a 'long' won't hold the result, it may overflow.

void main()


long value;

long result;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "Enter your number";

value %26lt;%26lt; cin;//can't remember if you can do this in c or not...

result = value;

if(value %26gt; 1)


while(value %26gt; 1)


value = value - 1;//decrement value

result = result * value;//multiply result by value


cout %26lt;%26lt; result;




cout %26lt;%26lt; "Must be a positive whole number greater than 1";



You know, thinking more about it, i don't think a long will hold the results... the Best way to do it would be a bit array and use binary multiplication. (can't say i remember how to do binary multiplication but it was something we covered in school...)

basically make a bit array that holds enough bits to calculate 99999999999999999999! and do binary math the same as the above code. :) good luck
Reply:Sorry about that. I fixed the problem:

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

// Need the climits file in order to know the maximum size of an unsigned

// long int.

#include %26lt;climits%26gt;

// Declare the class.

class Factorial {


Factorial(unsigned short num = 1);

bool inRange();

unsigned long getFactorial();


unsigned short num;

}; // End of class.

// Implement the methods:

Factorial::Factorial (unsigned short num) {

this-%26gt;num = num;


bool Factorial::inRange() {

// Maximum possible value for validation.

unsigned long max = ULONG_MAX;

// Loop from 1 to num, dividing the number from max.

for (int i = num; i %26gt;= 1; --i) {

max /= i;

} // End of the for loop.

// Return a true/false value.

if (max %26lt; 1) {

return false;

} else {

return true;


} // End of the factorialInRange() function.

unsigned long Factorial::getFactorial() {

// For the factorial.

unsigned long sum = 1;

// Loop from 1 to num, adding the result to the sum.

for (int i = 1; i %26lt;= num; ++i) {

// Multiply current sum times i.

sum *= i;

} // End of the for loop.

return sum;

} // end of the returnFactorial() function.

// Start the main() function.

int main() {

// Declare the variable for the user input.

unsigned short numberIn = 0;

// Prompt the user, take, and validate the input.

std::cout %26lt;%26lt; "Enter a small, positive integer: [##] ";

while (!(std::cin %26gt;%26gt; numberIn) || ((numberIn %26lt; 1) || (numberIn %26gt; 20))) {

// Problem! Clear cin and reprompt.


std::cin.ignore(100, '\n');

std::cout %26lt;%26lt; "I said, 'Please enter a positive integer.' Please: [##] ";

} // End of WHILE.

// Discard any extraneous input.

std::cin.ignore(100, '\n');

// Create the object.

Factorial f(numberIn);

// Print the results.

if (f.inRange()) {

std::cout %26lt;%26lt; "The factorial of " %26lt;%26lt; numberIn %26lt;%26lt; " is "

%26lt;%26lt; f.getFactorial() %26lt;%26lt; ".\n\n";

} else {

std::cout %26lt;%26lt; "The factorial of " %26lt;%26lt; numberIn

%26lt;%26lt; " cannot be calculated.\n"

%26lt;%26lt; "Use a smaller number.\n\n";


std::cout %26lt;%26lt; "Press enter. \n";


return 0;

} // End of the main() function.

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