Monday, May 24, 2010

Pregnant Again After M/C lots of Questions..Help Please?

I had a m/c in June 1st at 6 weeks dont know the cause I have a 7 y/o healthy child. Im pregnant again,by1st day of last LMP says I'm 9w5d.My questions are: Am I really 8 weeks because of the calculation I don't understand it?

I do not have/qualify for health ins. where can I go to make sure everything is ok? What will be done at my stage? The last2days have freaked me out as my breasts don't seem to hurt as much (swollen yes!) but not as much pain, smell isnt making me so sick, i can't smell the cookout a mile away! :( i have no bleeding no pain, but symptoms slightly lessening is making me a wreck, I cant go through the pain again. Im scared don't know where to go for reassurance/confirmation the baby is ok. Can you miscarry without bleeding? what are my chances of another? I am lost and need help I feel like if I dont do something soon my stress will cause something to occur, anyone that has experienced would understand, thank you for taking the time to read i appreciate it

Pregnant Again After M/C lots of Questions..Help Please?
as you are discovering not every pregnancy will be the same as teh one before. Each are different. If the first day of your last peroid was 9w5d ago than thats what you are. You are almost to the 2nd tri already so thats awesome, If you were to m/c again your body would need a way of expelling the embryo so the bleeding is neccesary.

I knwo its hard and I know its scary, but really try not to stress, find a free clinic somewhere where you can be evaluated. call some social agencies if you need to to help you find a place.

Good luck.
Reply:go get medical you automatically qualify for it if you pregnant.
Reply:many women qualify for medicaid during pregnancy that they would not qualify for if they weren't pregnant. check out if you are qualified by either calling your local social service agency or by going on-line to your state's social service website. I found out all kinds of info for my daughter online at the state DSS website. All pregnancies are different. I have 4 children and smells and tenderness were different with them all. Don't assume the worst, pray for the best!!! Trust that your going to have a healthy baby!! Whenever you start to worry, tell yourself "I'm healthy and my baby will be too" Good luck!

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