Sunday, August 2, 2009

Help writing a C++ code using files?

I was given an input text file “input.dat” which has an unspecified number of records. Each record consist of six fields: first name, middle initial, last name, score1, score2, and score3.

Write a complete C++ program to process this file and write another file “output.txt” which has only the last name and total score (= score1 + score2 + score3) in it. At the end of the output file write down the messages:

There are __________ students in this file.

The average score is ______.

Please someone help!

Help writing a C++ code using files?
That's lot of work, may be you can contact a C++ expert at websites like
Reply:To be quite honest, the only way you are REALLY going to learn programming is to sit there and figure it out. Yes, it can be a pain in the butt at times, but if you have the skills you need to truly be a programmer you will be able to do it...if not, then perhaps its time to find a new major...
Reply:For your reference:

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