Friday, July 31, 2009

37.5wks going to be medically induced or c section....please help!?

I am 37.5wks preggers and I went back to OB today and he reconfirmed that as early as next friday 25th he will start the process of medically inducing or c section....advised c section is more likely. I have gestational diabetes (diet controlled) and slightly high blood pressure that is stable 140/90....what if anything can I do to go into labour naturally??? At a pinch medical inducing will be ok but I rather do all safe inducing methods before a c section! Bub measured exactly 7lbs last week so I dont fear it being under weight if early. Please help.

37.5wks going to be medically induced or c section....please help!?
What finally drove me into labor with my first was going to a bazzar, walking around all day buying gifts for my family. They say not to lift any more than 20lbs, right? So, try this variation, get a 19lb backpack and start walking! Walk it out, with a well planned route, make sure people *know* the route and what time you expect to be back. Pick a route with plenty of places to stop for b-room breaks and to use the phone, or carry a cell. Walk walk walk!
Reply:i'd ask to get induced they cant make you have a c-section unless the baby is in real danger. If he's unwilling to induce you i'd get another doctor and explian why you dont want a c-section.

I was induced with my first as she showed signs of distress she was born 3hrs from my waterbreaking.

Your baby wont come unless it's ready so i dont think a "nataural" labour inducing is a opition but things that are said to work are

sex, hot food e.g currys, fast walks. A sweep (preformed by your midwife) if you explian why you want one you should be allowed.

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