Friday, July 31, 2009

Does Vitamin C really help you feel better?

I woke up sick today and feel TERRIBLE. (head cold) I have to work everyday and I need to get better. Should I buy some V C pills or do they only help to prevent getting sick?

Does Vitamin C really help you feel better?
Drink orange juice ,lots of water and hot chicken broth .

Vitamins will help build you up and keep taking them .Vick's salve on the chest will help you sleep at night .

Wishing you A speedy recovery.
Reply:Vitamin C increases your resistance to the various diseases.
Reply:Vitamin C was the sexiest white rapper ever.
Reply:Not right away, but yes, it will help you get rid of the cold faster
Reply:Vitiman C is good for your eyes, and skin. Thats all.
Reply:you are going to hear alot of no's and I am no scientist or dr. but I can tell you that as soon as I feel a cold coming on I start taking extra vitamin c. You cant od on it--your body will excrete what you don't use. I end up taking like 2,000 (i think its mg??) anyway and I also buy some of those vitamin c drops they are really good! well, in the past my cold used to last a long time and this basically stops it in its tracks so all I know is that it works for me even if it may not for others.
Reply:it works might take a while though
Reply:It has mental health value but anything above the needed amount is un-necessary

It can make you feel worse if you have a bad stomach as well. It can keep you up as well so never take Vitamin C before bedtime.

Generally I think vitamin c works best if you are taking it on a regular basis or getting an ample amount via your diet.
Reply:vitamin c is probably the best nutrient the body can use. also, lots of beta carotene will help in conjunction. eat oranges,carrots, and apples regularly to maintain your health. water is the best thing you can drink, spring water if possible. I'm 27 and do not drink or do drugs. I wake up with mega energy. I feel much younger than my party days.
Reply:vitamin C will not make you feel better.
Reply:Take a multi vit. Vit C,b is so so good for you. Yes this will makes you feel better fast. You can take up to 900-1200 mg.. More the better. It is the only vitamin that doesn't hurt you for taking more.. It revives you.. Read on the net about vit c.
Reply:I'm sorry, but V C wont make you feel any better. V C is used to keep you healthy. When your head is cold, that probably means that you have a cold fever or you're going to get sick. Maybe try a hot shower, a warm wash cloth, resting and some soup or hot chocolate.

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