Sunday, July 26, 2009

1994 Ford Ranger a/c blows warm. HELP !?

In this 110 degree weather.. i need some help. I have a 94 ford ranger. The a/c blows warm air. When the car is on and the a/c is on.. I noticed the compressor cycles on and off. I checked the refrigerant level with a a/c gauge and it reads full. Cant figure out whats going on. HELP !! hehe

1994 Ford Ranger a/c blows warm. HELP !?
Check and see if the heater valve may be stuck open allowing heat to blow into the cabin.
Reply:You are low on freon. I repaired a van today that ran the compressor and had beautiful looking pressure 200/36. Only had half a pound of freon in a 4 pound system. You cannot rely on guages like you used to. The controls, compressors and expansion systems are not classic refrigeration. Some compressors are variable displacement, orifice tubes are cheap subtitutes for expansion valves. Sometimes, fans dont come on until high pressure trips them and that will raise pressures in a low system making them look "good". Recover the freon, evacuate it for 3 minute and recharge it. If you don't have a recovery station, you shouldn't be doing this anyway. If not, take it to a certified repair shop.
Reply:CowboyBill I think nailed it,assuming your low side or large line (evaporator) line is cold.
Reply:Talk to the dealer ship manager
Reply:If it is blowing you do not have a fan problem. If you have checked the refrigerant level and it is ok, you do not have a refrigerant problem. Only one thing left... compressor is toast.
Reply:As a former airconditioner expert with a degree and diploma from defries university.........u need to recharge the freon.....1st just let out the freon into the atmosphere ( what does it matter??) and refill the a/c with the with propane gas....YES refill with PROPANE....a gas is a gas........i have made a fortune doing this and charging big prices for this PROPANE and it WORKS...i am driving a 1993 ford f-250 7.3 diesel and run the air 24/7 when i sleep in it...i also run my DIESEL on strained french fry oils and mix it with mouth wash which is only 12 cents a gallon and is 27% the today its PROPANE /OLD OIL AND MOUTH WASH........why do we need ARAB oil??
Reply:the ac lines are prolly bad..

or it needs a new ac system...

or have the refridgerant drained and replaced...

or the blower motor is bad...

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