Sunday, July 26, 2009

C# programming help here!All about creating graphics!?

I need a C# program that will produce the image of blossom of the powerpuff girls. Please help me on this!

C# programming help here!All about creating graphics!?
1) Run Visual Studio and create a new windows application.

2) In the Solution Explorer tree expand the "Properties" subtree and double-click on "Resources.resx" to open up the resource file. At the top of that window there is a button called "Add Resource", click on the little down-arrow to the right of it and select "Add Existing File". Browse to the image you want to display and add it.

3) Go back to your main form. In the "Properties" window click on the form's "BackgroundImage" field, click on the "..." button and select your image from the list.

4) Click on the "BackgroundImageLayout" field and select however you want the image to be displayed.

5) If you don't want the user to resize the form then set its size yourself manually and change the "FormBorderStyle" property to "FixedDialog"

Build and run.

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